Your Managed Staffing Provider

We manage dedicated workforces, either transferred under TUPE or recruited from scratch, to provide cost-effective technical staffing services.

We have experience in supporting ESA, MoD and other organisations in the provision of dedicated Technical and Facilities Management services.

Building the Perfect Team for your Business

We are a trusted Managed Staffing Provider; able to recruit, organise and manage technical staffing resources in your operational environment.

If you already have a team in place, we are well placed to assume the management of existing third-party service teams, improving performance and effectiveness. 

We have extensive experience both in TUPE transfers and in the provision of highly effective and superior quality services, having previously managed Satellite Ground Stations in Scotland and Hampshire, Network Operations Centres for the European Space Agency, and IT Support Teams in a highly secure and militarily sensitive setting.

Being a Managed Staffing Provider means that we look after the staff, so you can look after the delivery of services.

Case Study

We provided a service for over twenty years supporting ESA (European Space Agency) in the scheduling and management of their network link infrastructure to their network of Satellite Ground Stations around the World. We were responsible for all HR and Service aspects for a team of twenty, twelve of whom were working 24×7 shifts supporting the network control centre.

We managed this via a centralised HR team based in the UK and with a small team locally in Darmstadt, Germany. Key challenges included the resolution of employment issues in a timely manner, managing absence appropriately and the upskilling of staff as technology evolved.

We managed regular interactions with the Works Council who saw their role more akin to one of a union. Whilst the legislation in Germany is subtly different to the UK, the method of managing employment disputes to a satisfactory resolution is similar – gaining a shared understanding of stakeholder’s relative positions and then developing (perhaps innovative) compromise solutions.

This is something that our HR team has a huge amount of experience in negotiating. We have managed grievance and disciplinary, performance, unapproved absence and discrimination disputes, all to satisfactory resolution.

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Charwell House, Wilsom Road,
Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2PP




Hanauer Landstr 523,
60386, Frankfurt

Postal Address

Postfach 1181,
64310 Pfungstadt



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