
Five things health & safety all SMEs should be doing

Health and Safety policy 

If you have five employees or more it is essential, you have a clearly documented health & safety policy.

Its good practise that all employees are aware of the policy, what it entails, ensuring anyone new to the business is also aware of the policy. If you continue to grow, this is something that you need to continually review.

Ensure you’ve considered all Health and Safety arrangements 

You must consider your place of work, any potential dangers, or hazards and how and where your employees are working.

Having a document that explains how you manage and maintain your health & safety will be helpful in keeping up to date with checks and reviews, as well as, having a point of reference to go to if or when an instance occurs.

Training staff on health & safety and their obligation 

It is good practise and, in some cases, essential to train your employees on health & safety, educate them to potential risks, even if it can seem like common sense.

They need to be informed on your policy, what they do in the event of a fire, and the general health & safety of their particular role. Employees also need to be aware of their own personal obligation to their health & safety and that of people around them. 

Undertake basic risk assessments on where the staff are working  

You should undertake basic risk assessments on where your employees are working, and what they are doing.

  • Do you have anyone working from home?

  • Do you have people working from a computer most of the day?

  • Have you done a risk assessment of your office premises?

These are all important things you need to be thinking about and doing so you minimise risk of harm or accident. 

Integrate Health and  Safety and  keeping it updated

Managing risks in business is a big deal, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Actively integrating a good health & safety culture for your company can only be a good thing.

Keeping it current and up to date whilst being mindful at all times of the importance of making sure everyone is working safely.

Whether that’s at a desk or out on the road, understanding the potential hazards and having contingencies for that will reduce your risk as a business owner and employer in the long run.



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