Skills & Training Competency

Upskilling in the workplace involves promoting continuous learning by offering training and development opportunities to expand the skills, knowledge, and competencies of current employees.

Thorn SDS has a well-established history of providing continuous learning to ensure our services evolve in
line with our clients' requirements.

Identifying and Filling Critical Skills Gaps

Emanating primarily from our experiences with the European Space Agency in Germany and the MoD in the UK, we have developed a number of bespoke training and development programmes to provide effective technical service solutions for different services. 

Our methodology for analysing the current skills and then identifying the skill gaps and training needs both for the individual and across the team is effective and reliable.

We use a mixture of self-assessment and peer review to validate competencies and then build a specific programme for upskilling and training staff in the most critical areas.

The experience of our team in understanding the strengths and limitations of any such plans, along with our experience of what is permitted in the complex world of employment legislation enables us to support you with your work force planning solutions.

Case Study

An MoD customer with a long history of delivering excellent in-house training to their own engineers, were facing the challenge of how to continue delivering training on mission-critical legacy equipment while providing state of the art training in modern technology, against the background of an ever-shrinking training budget.

Recognising that the skills and knowledge required to deliver training on legacy equipment were becoming scarce within their organisation, the client reached out to Thorn SDS for a training solution.  

Thorn SDS was able to provide a cost-effective solution to the client by rapidly developing an in-house operations and maintenance capability for the system, and then working with the client to understand their very specific skills requirements, before designing and delivering a highly bespoke and focused ‘Train the Trainer’ course.

By providing the technical capability and focusing on the specific skills and knowledge required by the client’s engineers, Thorn SDS was able to significantly reduce the client’s training cost while reducing the time spent on managing, organising, and delivering the course.

What our customers say about us



Charwell House, Wilsom Road,
Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2PP




Hanauer Landstr 523,
60386, Frankfurt

Postal Address

Postfach 1181,
64310 Pfungstadt



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